Friday 27 November 2020

Museum Thank you letter

Dear Museum Team, 

Thank you so much for showing us all of the old fashioned games!

I liked how we got a lot of free time to play with the games.

The games are so clever and it’s amazing how you have them at the museum because they really are interesting.You did a fantastic job of explaining the games and making sure we understand how they work. I had a lot of fun there and I wish to come back again.




Friday 20 November 2020

Mary's diary, Gabriel tells Mary

OH MY GOSH!! An angel just came up to me and told me I’m going to have a BABY!

I don’t know if I’m excited or scared.. I think both.

Well at least I know he wasn’t lying because he was sent by God.

I’m a virgin, how could I even have a baby?! 

The angel was called Gabriel and he told me to name my baby Jesus.

Am I actually ready for a baby? This is all so confusing but I’m also so happy, I’ll be a mother and that's like a dream  come true.

He’ll be loving I’m sure, he’ll be caring I’m sure, He’ll be kind I’m sure! He’ll be Jesus, God’s son why wouldn't he be all of those things?

Oh, and also he told me that my cousin Elizabeth is pregnant too! Wow how crazy is this?

Anyways, I better sit down and think about this miracle.

Thursday 17 September 2020

Friday 11 September 2020

Tuesday 1 September 2020

Persuasive letter about Charlie

                       WALT: Write a persuasive letter

Room 2,

Tuesday 1st August 2020.

Dear Miss Pownall,

I strongly believe that Room 2 should have a cute, playful dog in the class for the day.                            It will boost our mood, make not only us but the dog happier and we will learn by training Charlie.

First of all, everyone knows that dogs bring joy to the world. They are happy, cute, fluffy things of course they bring joy! When you’re mad they can lower your stress, when you're sad they can fill you up with happiness.An example is that when I used to have a dog he would start barking and playing if I was bored but when I was sad he sat on my lap and demanded for pats.
Studies have shown that even small interactions with a dog can make you feel better even if they nudge you or rub into you a bit, even one stroke!

Secondly, WE can make the dog happy! By taking it for walks and giving it attention.
Dogs love exercise and the fresh air, they like this because it gives them more energy.
You know when you see a dog sticking its head out the window or if you have a dog it probably does this too. Why they do this is exactly what I just said, they like fresh air for energy, they don't like being stuck in the car.
When you give a dog attention they feel safer and happier around you it makes them feel better because it shows them that you love them.

Finally, to train a dog you learn something.
You teach it to sit, shake, roll over. Did you know that some people have JOBS to train dogs and show the tricks to other people and obviously that starts off with training the dog.
So yeah! You can definitely learn from training a dog, also you get exercise going out with the dog so it will teach you mentaly and physically.

In conclusion I’m asking if we could please have Charlie in the class for a day because Charlie will help us with our learning and exercise.


Lily M

Thursday 27 August 2020


God's presence

These are some pictures that I see god's presence in:
WALT: understand the meaning of sacrament in the lives of Catholics.

Wednesday 19 August 2020

Paul's missionary journey

W.A.L.T: Understand early christian communities.

Red= 1st journey
blue=2nd journey
green= 3rd journey

Monday 3 August 2020

Not ALL children should have pets

WALT: write a persuasive text
Not all children should have PTS

Now, I don’t know WHY people would think that all children should have pets.
Pets are fantastic and all but pets can change peoples lives! Children could have 
allergies, pets can be dangerous and they can cost a lot.

First of all, kids can have very bad allergies.
Usually it is cats but it could be any animal really.
If every kid had a pet then a few kids would have to visit the hospital because of their allergies.
Some kids can be so allergic to animals that they can't even be in the same room as the animal
that they are allergic to. An example of allergies is that my step dad can get a fever if he
doesn’t wash his hands after petting our cat.

Secondly, pets can be dangerous.
If pets aren’t trained they can bite you, especially young children.
I’ve heard of people who have died because of some vicious animals.
Of course it’s not every day that you get attacked by your pet but it has happened to some people.

Finally, pets can cost A LOT of money!
You might be thinking, “oh… it's only a bit to buy a pet…” But their food and beds
and toys can be very expensive, especially their food.
Some people have put their pet on the street because they are not doing well with their money for the pet,
which is not a good thing to do.
If you’re struggling then you should take your pet to an animal shelter. My mum doesn’t want a dog for
the money and a few other things but mostly the money. That’s why we have a cat because they are
less work
and money.

So, basically what I'm saying is that if all children had pets then lots of families would be
.I Got a Kitten...Now What? - Lomsnes Veterinary HospitalDog pregnancy | Vet tips for caring for your pregnant dogFish bowl BIG SIZE" perfect to kill your fish : shittyaquariums

Thursday 30 July 2020

Maths measurement

WALT: Abbreviate Measurements

Thursday 2 July 2020

Monday 29 June 2020

But then, lucky, unlucky.

A tsunami came at me at full speed!
But then I found out that the tsunami was 3 meters tall and I lived in the city...
But then the tsunami got bigger and came to the city!
But then an earthquake happened and pushed away all the water back into the ocean, ( by the way I know that it doesn't work like that.)
But then my granny slapped me,
But then she forgave me for stealing her CoOoOoOoOoKiEs,
But then a helicopter picked me up!
But then there was a horse in there with me and that was nice...
But then the helicopter PUSHED me out!
But then the horsey saved me and gave me his parachute.
R.I.P horsey...
Okay that's enough for one da-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay aaaah! Now I'm getting abducted by aliens.

Hope you liked this story, it id definitly not real and I know in writing you shoulden't say but then, but then, but then, but that was the whole point of this story! (:

God slide

Friday 26 June 2020

NZ culture study

WALT: To identify the culture of NZ and give examples of what it looks like.


Hello, I did a self-portrait except a digital one.
It is not the best self-portrait but it's still a self portrait.

My family history, war

Thursday 25 June 2020

Mother Hen R.E

I drew a mother hen with its chicks with the bible verse for a mother hen.

Thursday 18 June 2020

Blog comments

                                     WALT: appreciate the work of others

In Room 2 we are learning to post positive, thoughtful, helpful comments.
Here is a comment that I write on a blog.

First you do positive, here are three sentence starters for positive:
I really liked how...
It is so cool that you...
I like this blog post because...

Second you do thoughtful, here are two sentence starters for thoughtful:
I think that the way you...
this reminds me of...

Third you do helpful, here are two sentence starters for helpful:
Maybe next time...
Next time you could...

Do you use positive, thoughtful, helpful comments?

Wednesday 17 June 2020

Book review, Sisters

I read a book called sisters and for my hot spot I had to write a book review, it is a bit hard to read and it does not show the whole page so under neath the picture I will write what it says.

                                                           Author: Raina Telgemeier.
The book was about two sisters who fight alot and then they get a brother.  It also goes back to when                                          they were younger and it tell us what the ''incident'' is.
          I liked how the book what quite relatable! The two sister are like me and my older sister.

Friday 12 June 2020

White crayon letter

WALT: Write a persuasive letter.


White crayon here.
I don't know how to say this but... WHENEVER you use me… you have to use BLACK crayon too!
Why can't you see me by myself?!
I get it, but how come whenever you use black crayon you fill him in with the other colours and not ME!
I may be a little jealous of black crayon... but that's not the point!
I also feel left out when all the other crayons are talking about how colourful and bright they are...
But I'm the opposite of that! I’m not even a colour… I'm a shade. 
Now could you PLEASE put some dye on the tip of me so I have SOME colour?

Your annoyed... and slightly sad friend,

White crayon.

Home learning google drawing

WALT: use google draw and be creative.

for my hot spot in Room 2 I did a google drawing of home learning. This was one of the tasks.
Here is my google drawing of home learning.

Thursday 4 June 2020

My Handwriting

This is my hand writing that I did.

Wednesday 3 June 2020


- Mary has brown, wavy hair
- she wears a blue and white mantle
- she has a kind and loving heart
- She is confident and brave because she listened to the angel that came from God when he said that she would have a child.
- The mother of Jesus
- She is special
- She is very faithful
- She speaks hebrew

Here is a drawing of Mary I made on google drawing.

Tuesday 2 June 2020

The Evil Shoemaker Description

WALT: Analyse and create a character description

Now... this Shoemaker isn't just a normal Shoemaker, he is an Evil Shoemaker who is very selfish and rude!

He does have alright ideas though, like a copy button he made, although it is not okay to steal other peoples ideas. 
I know for sure that he looks a bit odd, his nose is curved and pointed like a witch and and his neck is freakishly long like a giraffe.
His chin goes very far down with his side burns following along with his chin. The Evil Shoemakers tux and top hat make him look very fancy! But inside he is a person who cares about business more than people, that is probably why he doesn't have any friends.

For the Evil Shoemaker to get his customers to come he needs his copy button and his grin which attracts customers very easily. The Evil Shoemaker has red curly hair if you look closely an if you look even closer you can see his tiny pale ears which are hard to see.

If you ever see the Evil Shoemaker then do not buy his shoes because he is a customer stealing, copier who only cares about money and shoes!

Friday 29 May 2020

Skydiving Blurb

Falling out of a plane at full speed zooming down, and then taking a parachute out and start floating down to the ground slowly. Wow, that would be exciting!
Some people do this for fun, but some people do it professionally!
There is a small risk but it is quite fantastic actually.
Sky divers can do tricks in the air as they are falling out especially with a parachute, you can twist and turn and whatever you would want to do!
Some people find it scary and frightening, but not all…

This is for my reading task, I had to make a blurb about any sport as if it was on the back of a book so here is what I wrote.

Wednesday 27 May 2020

Tuesday 26 May 2020

NBC rules for level 2

I made a handbook to show the rules of level 2.
I made it out of card and write down rules like:
- wash your hands before you come into the classroom
- do not touch others
- sit on your own desk
- wash you desk at least once a day

kahoot about giraffes

For my hot spots in reading we had to finish some tasks and post one of our best tasks that we completed. I chose my kahoot, which is about giraffes. Some of the questions ask what are baby giraffes called or what colour they are.
I love giraffes, they are my favourite animal that is why I made my kahoot about them.

do you like giraffes?

Wednesday 8 April 2020

whats under the bed?

Renegade was a brave, young girl, she wasn't scared of much except for one thing…
sticking her toes out of the blankets at night! 
She would NEVER stick them out, but it would be irritating because it was summer and it was very hot.
To keep her body cool she needed to make her feet cool.
But one night… she slipped her toes out of the blanket but was sleeping so she didn't notice that they
were out.
She felt a little tickle on her toes so she moved her legs around and kicked a…
well she didn't know what she kicked!

SWOOP!! A big swoop came at her feet and dragged her under the bed, she thought that this was the
end, but then… some cuddly cactus´s came near her.
They were moving and alive, these weren't spiky cactus´s though, they were soft.
She moved closer to one and put a smelly sticker on his head, as he breathed it in he turned greener
and looked stronger and was more energetic!
She gave one to all of them so all of them were stronger.

It must have been the smell so she picked up a small one and took it to smiggle, the cactus loved it,
it was like cactus heaven. 

So here's something to do, check for smiggle loving cactus´s under your bed.

Thursday 2 April 2020

Friday 20 March 2020

Magnificent Monorail

Magnificent Monorail.
The Year 6’s went to camp on Wednesday 24th of February at Living Springs. 
Everyone loved one special thing we did there and I liked the Monorail.
It was frightening but fantastic at the same time.
There was a part on the Monorail where you felt like you were going to fly off the edge,
it was fantastically exhilarating!

Almost everyone had a go on it, some people found it horrible and some people found it amazing!
Without a seat belt I’m guessing you would fall out because it goes very fast.
When the wind blows against your face you feel like you are going 10,000 kilometres.
( It wasn’t as fast as a Roller coaster otherwise you would have to be well strapped in).
Most of the Year 6’s left after one ride, not because they were scared but because they wanted to go back to the camp.

Me and about 5 other people were still there after one ride, so we ended up having two rides.

It got late so we headed back to camp and had burgers for dinner.Thank you Living Springs for the awesome camp, I really appreciated it!