Sunday 29 September 2019

What superpower would I have?

My graph on the temperature in places.

The seasons in NZ

These are the season's in NZ:
These Season's are like most countries.

I think that tourist's should come to NZ in spring because it is pretty cool in every season and in spring you get most of the seasons because it is a mix.
If you came to NZ in spring you could visit Whanganui, West coast, Nelson or Hamilton. Those places can be nice to stay at when it is spring in NZ.
NZ is a lovely place in every season so I think that it doesn't really matter what time/season you go, it matters on if you think that NZ is good. Personally I think it is.

Friday 20 September 2019

Incredible instructions

We have been learning how to do instructional writing which is basically showing people how to do                         things step by step.

We had to do instructional writing about how to make a sandwich and on Friday our teacher would      make it and do exactly what it said.

           Mine did not go very well because she didn't use the sharp end to spread the Marmite because I didn't say to use it. 

                                                              Here is my writing:

Marmite sandwich
You will need: 
A  knife 

  1. Get the packet of bread and take out two pieces of bread.
  2. Open the lid of the butter.
  3. Grab the knife and using the sharper end take/scoop a bit of butter and spread it on one face of the bread. Make sure it is even.
  4.  open the lid of the marmite
  5. Get the knife and scoop a bit of marmite up with the sharper end and put it on top of the other piece of bread’s face.
  6.  Put the two faces of bread together.

Wednesday 18 September 2019

Friday 13 September 2019

My Logo!

this is my logo for east Christchurch schools!

My fantastic flag

Thursday 12 September 2019

Excellent emotions

Fantastic manners

I have made a blog post on using manners with words but now i am doing one of how we use our manners through actions and what we do.

Marverlous Manners

At NBC we have been working on our manners so In my class, ( room two) have made blog posts about Manners and how to use them. Im going to answer some questions down here.

What are manners for? Manners are for being polite because people like it when you use them, it makes them feel good like they just got respected.

When should we use manners? We should use them when someone has been nice to us or basically you can use them any time, any where.

What is a manner i need to work on? I need to work on saying pardon because i always say huh? or


Tuesday 10 September 2019

My Sarah and Abraham blog post

 This story about Sarai and Abram starts when They were a lovely couple and have been together for a long time. The couple wanted a child for themselves but sadly they were too old. One day God said to Abram  ¨ I want you to go to a place named Canaan and I promise you I will care for you and your family will be a great nation of people." So Abram and Sarai went to Canaan and then they heard God say That he will give them a land and they will have children.
But after a while they still haven´t had children. Once God found out that they were getting worried they woulden´t have a child he said to them count the stars that is how much children you will have.
You will name one of your children Isaac,and you two will have these names, Abraham and Sarah God said to them, they agreed.
Then two men came in and told them they would have children, Sarah laughed. 
When Abraham was 100 they had a baby and they named him Isaac

Friday 6 September 2019

My Riverdale narrative

In Room two we have been making narratives. I made one about Riverdale which is a series on Netflix. A narrative is something that tells a story. There is a solution, plot, conflict, setting, characters and a point of view. Room two have been working really hard on their narratives so check others out too. You can see the story right here, there are even pictures ( that i made myself.)

Betty, Veronica, Archie and Jug were staying at Archie´s house for dinner. It was 6 pm and Archie´s parents were not there. So they played spin the bottle, it didn't land on any of the people playing but it did land on the GARGOULE KING outside the window! He opened the door and ran to Betty. Betty ran to the closet but… the Gargoule king found her.

 BANG! Jughead hit the Gargoule king in the head with a guitar laying on the ground. The group ran out to the woods because they thought the Gargoule king was going to find them, about half a killometer away and walked for a long time until they found an abandoned hospital. They went inside and looked around and found gooey black footsteps on the ground that did NOT look normal so Archie, Jug, V and Betty followed them.    

The group ended up seeing something un-normal, it looked like the Gargoule king except prettier. Maybe… it was the Griffen queen! Betty tried to talk to her, she talked like a human. She did look like she had a mask on.

They decided to take her fluffy brown mask off.  She tried to run away and fight back because she didn't want her mask to be taken off but with the four against her it didn't work. So they took it off. It was a girl! She had orange hair, blue eyes and no freckles, all like Archie. They decided to bring her home but she wanted to go back to the woods. The girl said she knew Archie, so when the group got back home all of them looked if Archie's dad was there yet, he was!

 When Archie's dad saw the girl he shouted ̈Aria! ̈ and hugged her. He knew who she was because when she was 14 she showed a picture of herself and her name on it with pencil to her father because she wanted to go home but at the same time she wanted to stay. She found a camera on the floor and took a picture so she put the camera near where she lived because she couldn't remember exactly where it was and one day Archie's dad found it.

It turns out Aria is Archie´s twin. When Aria was 4 she decided to go outside and wander around but before she knew it she was stuck in the woods and she has basically grown up there. Archie was shocked!

Archie glared at Aria how do we know she is my twin” he said. ¨  
“I… well I know Aria she… she's a lovely girl!̈ ̈ Archie's dad replied. Archie looked at his dad and whispered ̈ what if she tries to kill us.̈ “ 
Archie's dad shouted ̈ SHE WON'T NOW GO TO YOUR ROOM, YOUR FRIENDS ARE LEAVING AND ARIA IS STAYING THE NIGHT OKAY! Archie looked like he agreed but inside he didn't.

It is 11 pm. Archie looked at Aria with a disgusted face and said ̈ how do I know you're my twin!̈ ̈ Aria didn't respond. ¨ I knew you weren't my twin!̈ shouted Archie. ¨I am…̈ whispered Aria. ̈ ̈ Lets just go to bed said Archie ̈  Aria agreed. 

Archie woke up , he went to Arias bed , she wasn't there Archie went downstairs to the kitchen. He shouted out ̈dad, Aria!̈ no one replied. He went into the lounge and saw his dad with his arm cut off by a knife! He looked out the window and saw aria running away with a knife!

 Archie helped his dad and drove him to the hospital because his phone was with Veronica for some reason. Archie thought in his head am I next!?!? The end of this episode.