Wednesday 31 March 2021

Jesus washing his disciples feet

 white hat:

Jesus and his disciples, Jesus was washing his disciples feet, Thursday, he was washing their feet to prove  that every one should serve.

Yellow hat: 

The positive things about this is that Jesus showed that every one should be good and he loves others.

Black hat:

The negative part of the story is when Jesus knew that Judas would betray him.

Red hat: 

When I read this story I felt happy because Jesus is showing kindness and love to everyone.

Green hat:

Another way Jesus could have served his disciples was to maybe praise them.

Blue hat: 

To sum up the story Jesus washed his disciples feet and they did not believe that Jesus their leader should be doing a servants job but he convinced them that everyone should serve. Later Jesus realised that Judas would betray him.

Monday 22 March 2021



Hello people, on Wednesday the year seven and eights went surfing at New Brighton beach. 

We had to split into our 2 maths groups so I went with my friend Corina. 

First we waited to go into the changing rooms, me and my friends were waiting for people to come out of the changing rooms so that we could go in then we realized that one of the changing rooms was unlocked so we went in but it smelt disgusting so we waited until there was a free changing room. Once we got dressed we got a surfboard each and learnt how to surf. Finally we actually got in and it was so cool like Molly, although Molly didn't go because she was too busy doing cool stuff. The surf instructors said that if I stopped laughing I could stand up. I never stood up. It was very hard because everyone was in the way so I just ran them over like a cool kid. My favourite part of surfing was just gliding on the surfboard and not trying to stand up because I couldn't be bothered. 

Now here is a picture of all my friends kind of surfing:

By the way, Corina was there too but I can’t get a photo of her. (:

Can you surf?

Wednesday 10 March 2021

What is the purpose of a blog?

 W.A.L.T: Explain the purpose of a blog

Today me and my friend Elliott had to make a short comic strip to show the purpose of a blog and here it is. I also really enjoyed using the characters from a site called flat icon, you should go try it out!

Do you like the chicken body´s at the end. Hehe (: