Thursday 17 September 2020

Friday 11 September 2020

Tuesday 1 September 2020

Persuasive letter about Charlie

                       WALT: Write a persuasive letter

Room 2,

Tuesday 1st August 2020.

Dear Miss Pownall,

I strongly believe that Room 2 should have a cute, playful dog in the class for the day.                            It will boost our mood, make not only us but the dog happier and we will learn by training Charlie.

First of all, everyone knows that dogs bring joy to the world. They are happy, cute, fluffy things of course they bring joy! When you’re mad they can lower your stress, when you're sad they can fill you up with happiness.An example is that when I used to have a dog he would start barking and playing if I was bored but when I was sad he sat on my lap and demanded for pats.
Studies have shown that even small interactions with a dog can make you feel better even if they nudge you or rub into you a bit, even one stroke!

Secondly, WE can make the dog happy! By taking it for walks and giving it attention.
Dogs love exercise and the fresh air, they like this because it gives them more energy.
You know when you see a dog sticking its head out the window or if you have a dog it probably does this too. Why they do this is exactly what I just said, they like fresh air for energy, they don't like being stuck in the car.
When you give a dog attention they feel safer and happier around you it makes them feel better because it shows them that you love them.

Finally, to train a dog you learn something.
You teach it to sit, shake, roll over. Did you know that some people have JOBS to train dogs and show the tricks to other people and obviously that starts off with training the dog.
So yeah! You can definitely learn from training a dog, also you get exercise going out with the dog so it will teach you mentaly and physically.

In conclusion I’m asking if we could please have Charlie in the class for a day because Charlie will help us with our learning and exercise.


Lily M